Psychological Services in Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin

We asked service users' for their experiences of using psychological services in Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin.

Our  Findings

The two aspects of the service with the most positive comments were the quality of staff and quality of therapy.  The two aspects with most negative comments were waiting times and the communication between the service and service users.  

Suggestions for improvements to the service

Service users suggested the following improvements should be made to the service:

  • Provide more support while waiting for therapy to commence
  • Ensure that there are not long gaps between therapy sessions
  • Keep changes to appointment times to a minimum
  • Make sure that patients know when the sessions will be coming to an end
  • Provide more information about the prescribed therapy before it starts
  • Provide a follow-up phone call after the therapy course ends
  • Reduce waiting times / employ more therapists
  • Provide patients with a direct means of communication with their therapist
  • Improve the assessment process to ensure therapy is aligned with the patient’s previous experience of therapy
  • Provide individual face to face appointments in convenient locations
  • Improve information about support organisation in the local area
  • Ensure staff are aware of the complexities of living with long term physical conditions
  • Provide a forum where those with lived experience can feed into the running of the service


Full Report

You can download the full report, which includes a response from the service provider, here:

Psychological Services in Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin

If you need this report in a different format please contact us:

01952 739540

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