Princess Royal Hospital A&E (Emergency Department/Accident & Emergency) - Enter and View Visit Report

A Survey was developed to capture the experiences of people attending A&E for treatment (or relative/carer for children) including facilities provided for waiting.


We wanted to learn about:

  • Peoples experiences of using PRH Emergency Department/ Accident & Emergency and to understand how patient dignity is being respected in the hospital emergency environment
  • The experiences of relatives/carers and friends
  • Observe the patients and relatives/visitors attending Accident & Emergency engaging with the staff and the facilities
  • Examples of good care practice

Key Findings

  • Staff are polite, friendly and professional, even at busy times. Patients told us they appreciated the hard work and care of the staff in the A&E service. Though A&E staff were overworked and under-resourced, patients acknowledged they did their best in the circumstances. Ambulance staff were also praised
  • Though patients reported that their dignity is respected most of the time, on a few busy occasions patient privacy was observed not to be appropriately respected
  • All people surveyed said they felt safe in A&E
  • Waiting patients and relatives found the facilities (including drinks and snacks provision) and the information provided in the Waiting area was adequate
  • Waiting patients (booked-in) wanted more information and clarity about the waiting time to be seen by doctor/nurse
  • There is no information provided for relatives of patients brought in by ambulance to guide them on what to do, and how to get to the patient
  • The reception process is timely, staff were reported as polite and professional and the booking-in process was rated 5* or 4* (good) by 44% of survey respondents
  • At times of volume pressure patients were left waiting for a ward-bed on a trolley in the A&E corridors (sometimes for more than 12 hours)
  • Though most patients said that staff did explain what was going to happen to the patient while they were in the examination/treatment cubicles area, some were not informed
  • Less than a quarter of the patients surveyed spend less than an hour in A&E, but over a third spend between 3 to over 4 hours in A&E


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01952 739540

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