Princess Royal Hospital Children's Unit - Enter and View Visit Report

The purpose of the visit was to ask relatives/visitors/carers present with the patients at the time, about their views and experiences on the Children's Unit at the PRH.


We wanted to learn about:

  • Patients experiences of care and understand how dignity is being respected in the Hospital environment
  • How the Children's Unit is operating since our last visit (before it was occupied and open to staff/patients/parents)
  • The experiences of relatives/visitors
  • Observe the patients and relatives/visitors engaging with the staff and their surroundings
  • Examples of good care practice

Key Findings

  • At the time of our visit to the Children's Unit we observed that care was being given with appropriate regard to patient dignity and respect
  • Patients told us that that the staff were very friendly and helpful, and all was ‘ok’ in the unit
  • All parents spoke highly of the care and support they received from the Manager and staff, adding that they go the extra mile to ensure that their children are looked after in an excellent environment
  • Observations throughout the visit showed excellent communications with parents, who all spoke highly of the support they and their children were given
  • We observed staff being thoughtful and caring with the patients and their parents - Staff were encouraging patients to make decisions for themselves
  • Staff told us it was a nice team who worked together
  • The visit highlighted the excellent care provided to children in the Unit. The management team are to be congratulated on their positive leadership which had resulted in a highly motivated and caring staff team. 


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01952 739540

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