1. Advice and Information -

    Four questions staff should ask you or a loved one about your oral health if you’re a care home resident, according to the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence quick guide.
  2. News -

    We are delighted to have been awarded the contract to deliver the Independent Complaints Advocacy (IHCA) Service in Telford & Wrekin.
  3. News -

    ‘Take 2’ steps away from others when you are out and about say health bosses at Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs).
  4. Advice and Information -

    Here's a list of useful information on various independent support organisations to help you find the support that's right for you.
  5. News -

    The NHS Long Term Plan is the national health service’s plan to make sure it is fit for the future.
  6. News -

    The Healthwatch network heard from 406,567 people, carers and staff during the last year about what they think of health and social care services.
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    On 1st October 2015, Healthwatch Telford and Wrekin (HWTW) became independent from its former parent body, Parkwood Healthcare Ltd.
  8. Report -

    The purpose of this survey was to asked local residents to share their experiences of dentistry. To understand what major factors influence their experiences and identify any differences between NHS patients and private patients.
  9. Report -

    We wanted to address how people who are deaf or hard of hearing find the accessibility of health and social care services in Telford and Wrekin.
  10. News -

    Local Authorities and NHS bodies from across Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin came together yesterday, 11 July 2019 to look at how the Microsoft suite of tools could benefit health and social care services across the county.
  11. Advice and Information -

    The government has announced a further lockdown for England and everyone is required to stay at home.
  12. Advice and Information -

    Have your say on health and Social care services in Telford and Wrekin.
  13. News -

    Do you want to have your say on Health and Social Care in Telford and Wrekin?
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    Our Drop in Hub is now open. 10:00am -13:00pm
  15. Advice and Information -

    Can't find an NHS dentist? Read our tips on what to do if you’re facing problems finding an NHS dentist taking new patients.
  16. Advice and Information -

    How can I get the most out of my next visit to the dentist? Take a look at our tips to help you prepare for your appointment and make sure you understand your treatment and how much it will cost.
  17. Blog -

    The review of the NHS Constitution is a unique opportunity to transform the Constitution into a meaningful contract between government, services, professionals and the public. Healthwatch England would like it to become the NHS Patient Promise.
  18. Advice and Information -

    Everyone should be able to access good quality NHS dental services. Take a look at our top tips to help you get the most out of your next dental appointment.
  19. Advice and Information -

    Find out what support is available to help you travel to your hospital appointments.
  20. Advice and Information -

    Find out what support is available to help you when travelling to your GP, hospital or other NHS services.
  21. Report -

    We wanted to find out if patients were treated with dignity, have privacy respected, and how staff respond appropriately and with compassion to meet healthcare needs. Also, to find out how patients living with Dementia are cared for and supported.
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    We wanted to find out if patients were treated with dignity, had privacy respected, and how staff respond appropriately and with compassion to meet healthcare needs. To find out how patients living with dementia are cared for and supported.
  23. Report -

    We wanted to find out if patients were treated with dignity, have privacy respected, and how staff respond appropriately and with compassion to meet healthcare needs. Also, to find out how patients living with Dementia are cared for and supported.
  24. Report -

    To find out if patients are treated with dignity, have privacy respected, and how staff respond appropriately and with compassion to meet healthcare needs. To find out how patients living with Dementia are cared for and supported.
  25. Report -

    We wanted to find out if patients were treated with dignity, have privacy respected, and how staff respond appropriately and with compassion to meet healthcare needs. Also, to find out how patients living with Dementia are cared for and supported.
  26. Report -

    We wanted to find out if patients were treated with dignity, have privacy respected, and how staff respond appropriately and with compassion to meet healthcare needs. Also, to find out how patients living with Dementia are cared for and supported.
  27. Report -

    To find out if patients were treated with dignity, have privacy respected, and how staff respond appropriately and with compassion to meet healthcare needs. To find out how patients living with Dementia are cared for and supported.
  28. Report -

    To find out if patients were treated with dignity, have privacy respected, and how staff respond appropriately and with compassion to meet healthcare needs. To include those with Dementia looking at the environment, accessibility compassionate care.
  29. Report -

    A question survey was used to capture the patient experiences including their calling the ‘contact centre’, booking an appointment, reception and time waiting, and their time with the doctor or other healthcare staff present.
  30. Report -

    A Survey was developed to capture the experiences of people attending A&E for treatment (or relative/carer for children) including facilities provided for waiting.
  31. Report -

    The purpose of the visit was to ask relatives/visitors/carers present with the patients at the time, about their views and experiences on the Children's Unit at the PRH.
  32. Report -

    The purpose of the visit was to understand how patients were treated with dignity, have privacy respected in a hospital environment, and ask patients about their views and experiences of the wards services.
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    The purpose of the visit was to understand how patients were treated with dignity, have privacy respected in a hospital environment, and ask patients about their views and experiences of the wards services.
  34. News -

    Do not miss your cancer appointments is the message from a senior health leader at Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs).
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    In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, local healthcare partners have joined up to improve the hospital discharge process for patients, reducing the time patients wait for discharge support services by an average of two-and-a-half days.
  36. Report -

    Following the Maternity Services review and reconfiguration, we wanted to ask patients about their views and experiences of the Maternity services at the Unit.
  37. Report -

    The purpose of the visit was to ask patients about their views and experiences of the Maternity Day Assessment Unit services.
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    Following the Maternity Services review and reconfiguration, we wanted to ask patients about their views and experiences of the Wrekin Midwife-Led Maternity Unit.
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    we wanted to ask patients about their views and experiences of the Hospital Ward 9 services.
  40. Report -

    The purpose of the visit was to learn about patients experiences of care, and understand how dignity is being respected in the Hospital environment.
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    The purpose of the visit was to explore the quality of the patient experience in wards where there is a high turnover of patients, or other challenges.
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    To explore the quality of the patient experience in wards where there is a high turnover of patients, or other challenges.